formas, atveriančias įvairias perspektyvas. Taneli Törmä (LOCATION X) kūriniai pristatyti daugiau nei 20 šalių. Kartu su miestų savivaldybėmis, ji remia kitus šokio menininkus, siūlo jiems rezidencijas ir suteikia galimybes pristatyti savo darbus. LOCATION X tikslas – kurti naujus tiltus tarp šiuolaikinio šokio ir rasti naujas auditorijas ir bendradarbiavimo partnerius joms – platformą, kurioje būtų kuruojamos naujos perspektyvos ir požiūris į šokį. Taneli Törmä darbai dažnai labai įtraukūs. Jį skatina noras kurti situacijas ir patirtis, kurios žiūrovui perteikia konkretų jausmą ar judesį – visada jaudinamas klausimo, kas šoka ir kaip ir kur galima šokti savo šiandienos gyvenime?

Menininko darbai du kartus atrinkti į „Aerowaves – Dance Across Europe“ prioritetinius sąrašus, jis laimėjo kelis tarptautinius prizus už šokio filmus. Šalia jo paties kūrinių, LOCATION X taip pat inicijavo programą DANCE ALL YEAR LONG („Šok ištisus metus“) – mobilią, įvairiuose miestuose pritaikomą šokio platformą.

Žagarės Fringe festivalis 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝟬𝟱 𝟭𝟭-𝟭𝟰


Projektą finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba ir Joniškio rajono savivaldybė.

Organizatorius – Žagarės kultūros centras.




A dance made for the community

Duration: 30 min.

Steve Reich’s iconic composition „Music for 18 Musicians”, to which 10 dancers will whirl us into a timeless dance vortex.

ALIEN allows us to see and experience dance as if we were experiencing it for the first time. A meditative and enchanting dance, a huge, living and moving statue of people, erected in a public place in the city, an abstract ritual act for all those who feel like aliens (strangers) and believe that this is how others see them.

ALIEN is part of a project in which Location X explores how dance art and shared aesthetic experiences and perceptions can take root in a city, a part of a city, and in a particular person.

The force that connects people is strengthened by artistic sensations. This helps to create a stronger experience of belonging to society. When art finds a home and establishes itself, so do you.


Choreographer: Taneli Törmä


Adrian Carlo Bibiano

Gabrielle Emily Aidulis

Sigita Juraškaitė

Vaiva Paukštė

Eivin Dziena

Ema Senkuviene

Ugnė Kavaliauskaitė

Ieva Navickaitė


Composer: Esa Matilla

Music by Steve Reich – „Music for 18 musicians”

World premiere: Kunstbygningen Filosoffen Gallery in Odense, Denmark, 12 November 2021.

Dance Info Finland and the Finnish Embassy in Moscow (Finnish-Russian Dance Exchange), the Danish Arts Foundation and the City of Odense.

AdeY (performance), Hans Kristian Hannibal-Bach (portrait of the choreographer)

About the choreographer:

Taneli Törmä – LOCATION X is an award-winning Finnish choreographer and performing artist working in Denmark. As a teacher, performer, fundraiser, facilitator and curator, he focuses on the development of performing arts that embrace diverse, intercultural, and innovative forms that open up different perspectives. Taneli Törmä’s (LOCATION X) work has been presented in more than 20 countries. Together with city municipalities, she supports other dance artists, offering them residencies and opportunities to present their work. LOCATION X aims to build new bridges between contemporary dance and to find new audiences and collaborative partners for them – a platform to curate new perspectives and approaches to dance. Taneli Törmä’s work is often very inclusive. He is driven by the desire to create situations and experiences that convey a specific feeling or movement to the viewer – always moved by the question of who is dancing and how and where can we dance in our lives today?

The artist’s work has been selected twice for the Aerowaves – Dance Across Europe priority lists, and he has won several international prizes for dance films. In addition to his own works, LOCATION X has also initiated the DANCE ALL YEAR LONG programme, a mobile dance platform that can be used in different cities.


The project is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Joniškis District Municipality.

Organiser – Žagarė Culture Centre.

Zagare Fringe Festival