Penktadienį (gegužės 12 d.) Žagarės Fringe festivalio metu menininkės Židrija Janušaitė ir Eva Vevere Žagarės stovyklavietėje kvietė į instaliaciją apie šiltnamius „A Greenhouse Could Be“ kurioje su dalyviais svarstė ir diskutavo, kokia erdve gali būti šiltnamis.
Menininkės apie instaliacija:
A Greenhouse could be a small model of Being. The space where activity of people creates poiesis. It means – the way to be. And through this way poiesis becomes the original site of Being’s disclosure.
A Greenhouse could be an auxiliary building characteristic of Lithuania and the wider Baltics, a coherently utilized structure in post-socialist society which has not forgotten how to grow its own vegetables.
A Greenhouse could be a stage for earth-based rituals like planting a seed and later gathering the fruits.
A Greenhouse could be an artist’s studio, a storage space, a fish drying barn, or an ambitious realm of an Instagram gardener.
A Greenhouse could be a part of a wide rhizomatic structure that covers female labour in semi -transparent plastic.
A Greenhouse could be a space for escape and solitude.
A Greenhouse could be a place to experience the fragility of time.
A Greenhouse could be a microworld that maintains temperature and moisture and gives you a sense of control.
A Greenhouse could be a location with its own life, memory and mood, upon entering which you become the Other.
Projektą „Kilogramas kultūros provincijoj“ finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba ir Joniškio rajono savivaldybė.
Nuotraukos – Bad Monkey Studio